This past spring, I was truly humbled and blessed! Annette and I went to pick up a donated wheelchair ,a mom had answered a call for equipment I put out on Facebook.
Meet Jaden.
Jaden is seven years old – a first grader. He was born with Spina Bifida. Jaden’s mom said they wanted to donate his old equipment, but he had a hard time letting go of it, because it had been such a big part of his life, and he was quite attached. So, I suggested she and Jaden look at the BMI website (www.bethelministriesinternational.com) . This would allow Jaden to see ‘who’ his chair might help, and also see the children in Guatemala that have already been helped.…. And Jaden watched.
When we arrived, we were introduced to Jaden… a bright, energetic and engaging young man. He showed us his current wheelchair, and all the neat things he could do in it. He was fast, and agile, and independent, and free. His personality was like sunshine… and he shared this with me…..”I looked at the website….it looks like they really need this stuff” “I think they are really going to like the Spiderman sticker on the back!”. What a special little guy!!
Bottom line in meeting Jaden…..
I have been humbled when serving at a distribution in Guatemala. I have also now been really humbled collecting equipment for distribution!
Jaden’s bright spirit and attitude was truly inspiring! The huge blessing was that it took our collection efforts to such a PERSONAL level! Until now, MOST of the chairs we have collected have been from Hospitals and Nursing homes, or friends that indirectly acquired them. Quite often we collected several at a time. I now realized that we have literally collected hundreds of chairs, almost Anonymously. That evening we were blessed by truly sharing the mission with an awesome little 7 year old boy who PERSONALLY donated his chair! And we were the ones that were truly blessed! A few months later, some Guatemalan Child was blessed by Jaden’s equipment! (I will bet he/she also thought the Spiderman sticker was pretty cool!)
Thanks Jaden!
Proverbs 22:9. Blessed are those who are generous